GROUPS up to 20 people
Tour Code: T04
Max n. of people: 20 Duration: 3 hours Days: all
Tour start: 10:00 Meeting: 9:45
€ from:
€ 18 (adults); € 13 (reduced)
free (< 16 years)
GROUPS up to 20 people
Tour Code: T04
Max n. of people: 20 Duration: 3 hours Days: all
Tour start: 10:00 Meeting: 9:45
€ from:
€ 18 (adults); € 13 (reduced)
free (< 16 years)
GROUPS up to 20 people
Tour Code: T05
Max n.of people: 20 Duration: 3 hours Days: all
Tour start: 10:00 Meeting: 9:45
€ from:
€ 13,50 (adults);
€ 5,50 (children 1-6 years)
GRUPPI fino a 20 people
Tour Code: T06
Max n.of people: 20 Duration: 4 hours Days: Mond/Frid/Sat/Sun
Tour start: at 10:00 Meeting: 9:45
€ from: € 29,50 (adults) € 23,50 (reducedi) free (children0-6years)